

俚语 not-for-profit


If a business makes a profit, the company must turn the money back into the business to not show a profit.
The hospital made a profit but created a new wing with the money so they are a not-for-profit business.


It has the same meaning as profit, to gain from, with its use intended for dramatic flair. Quoted from Preach, part of the Youtube channel Aba & Preach.
When a person puts you in the Friendzone because it's convenient, they profitate from your being in the Friendzone.


The result of two steps in a process, the second of which is a mystery. A meme that comes from South Park.
"Phase one, COLLECT UNDERPANTS. Phase two, ??? Phase three, PROFIT!"


When a girl purposefully leaves you in the friend zone because it is convenient for her.
Guy1: Dude, that girl has so many guys in the friendzone doing shit for her to get some and she totally knows it.

Guy2: What did you expect man? She profitates off that shit.


The result of a step-by-step combining of a defined action and ?. Originated from a South Park episode "Underpants Gnomes"
Step 1: Steal underpants.
Step 2: ?.
Step 3: PROFIT!


adj. 1. Advantageous, valuable.
2. As of yielding profit or monetary gain.
Slavery was so profitable in the South during the late mid 1800s.


The step that comes after ?????
Step 1: Obtain Rednecks
Step 2: Abduct them
Step 3: Analy Probe them.
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: Profit




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