

俚语 not in my wallet

not in my wallet

used to tell someone that they cant do something, usually when that something is rather..obsurd and supernatural. such as, using your powers as a level 2 druid to create a barrier of trees, when everyone knows you have to be at least a level 11 to even cast a basic barrier spell.
luk(c)as: i can so use candle mode to defeat the sith.

l00kaz: not in my wallet, bitch

Bring My Wallet

Also known as BMW, Bring My Wallet is a coined termed for BMW drivers. They must Bring Their Wallet everywhere they go, because they will never know when their BMW will break down.

See BMW.
Jeff: "before we go, I have to Bring My Wallet. In cease the BMW breaks down again"

Jimmy: "Ya I agree. I don't have any tow coverage so good idea"

Lost My Wallet

Lost My Wallet: When you are so stressed over something, that you freak out, or are on the verge of freaking out. A more angry, short term version of losing your marbles.
Bill "Mate, whats up, you seem stressed."

Ted "Aye pal, just been on Jeremy Kyle, found out that kid ain't mine"
Bill "Ah balls, how ya feel?"
Ted "How ye think? I've fucking Lost My wallet lad."

Example 2

"Mate if you don't piss of now, I'm gonna nut ye, cos I am literally about to lose my wallet.

just take my wallet!

1. Angrily yelling these words to express anger towards someone
2. Not having the ability to pay a bet
David: Chris you owe me $20 for losing the bet
Chris: I don't have the money. Just take my wallet!

My wallet is too small for my 50's

It's an slang very common in some kinds of situations.
You are about too ask a gorgeous woman out, you're not so sure about that, because you think "Oh, I can not as her out, my wallet is too small for my 50's".
It means that you are thinking that she is too good for you.

I lost my Metamask trust wallet

It's some kind of copypasta that summon bot accounts on Twitter (some are abandoned users who got hacked by them) to like, retweet, and/or reply your tweet. Most users use this to ratio or annoy people.

This copypasta can contain :
1. I lost my (digital wallet name, such as Metamask and Coinbase).
2. My (service name, such as Facebook, Instagram, Xbox, PS4) got hacked, stolen, banned, suspended, or scammed.
3. My (digital or typical wallet) has been stolen.
4. I need a sugar daddy or mommy (mummy doesn't work).
5. Help me writing essay.
6. I need this shirt (or new profile picture).
and many more....

If you can put all of these together, you'll get around 16 likes and <20 replies by the most (10 by average). But it's more fun if you tag CEO accounts like Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Parag Agrawal ; imagine 1 account posting the copypasta with tagging them 10 times = Their account will get notifications around 1 x 10 x 10 = 100 approximately (as bots reply with tagging you, people you reply to, and the ones you tag). So what will happen if 50 accounts do it?

Fun Fact : You have more and more risk to get your account banned or shadowbanned if you keep doing it, as Twitter's policy is to REMAIN BOTS and REMOVE YOU!
I lost my Metamask trust wallet coinbase hacked nfts stolen hacked coinbase instagram hacked i need a sugar daddy I got scammed my wallet has been stolen i need a logo my instagram got hacked (pic for reference)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:43:58