

俚语 npr refugees

NPR Refugees

With the close of the NPR Comment Section for being too toxic, cultish, abusive, trollish, and generally a small group of OAF centrist-democrats who harassed everyone who was left or right of them, regardless if it was for real or imagined disagreement, centered on socieopathic and narcissistic OAFs, who misuse the name NPR and grossly misuse the term refugee. They are the reason the NPR Comment Section is gone.
Person 1: The NPR Refugee mod just accuses people of being domestic-terrorists for no reason.
Person 2: The NPR Refugee likely just missed his morning med call. Give him a break he has nothing to do in his retirement except shout at the internet.
Person 3: Why would you go there? NPR Refugees is like visiting a retirement home where they are all angry at the TV.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:56:07