

俚语 n t b


Internet Shortform:

Not Too Bad
How you doing?

ntb thanks


“not to be”
“ntb mean but she looks mad ugly w all that makeup on”


not that bad
you see a sexy guy and he walks by and you say "ntb"


"Not to brag"

When you say something you did that was super awesome, but don't want to be a total cocky dick about it, you say this. Just to let people know what you did was great, but you're not too arrogant about it.
Person 1: "Yesterday, I had a shitty day."

Person 2: "Yesterday, I had an amazing day. NTB."

Person 1: "... Damn."


not too bright. when u or someone does something that is just not the smartest move. often its yourself or a friend who just did something really dumb yet they aren't normally dumb. kind of like a blonde moment if u will.
dude, u just wiped out in the middle of the street and broke the heel on your shoe in front of that hottie u were trying to impress. totally NTB.


no txt back
homie it was rough she hit me with that ntb


No Text Back
"Yeah I asked him but he totally gave me the NTB. Awkward city."




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:47:10