

俚语 nukri


Purpose of existence bares resemblance to a leech, drains all happiness and energy out of people. Makes no sense no matter what language he speaks. A1 in English. Has no bitches or game. Loser in all aspects. Rather nonchalant. Sends pictures of ugly jackets and then complains when u don’t think they’re nice. Idiot in all regards. The word is now defined, cos that’s what you wanted, right?
I went to the toilet and I peed and nukried


a person who seems cold on the outside but theyre very welcoming once they get to know people. they are huge hypocrites. They love getting what they want to even going so far to fake cry for it. They are very stuck up and dont care about others opinions but when your others opinions are about their friends (negative) they will try everything to defend them. But when the opinions are positive they will try to be friends with the person who said positive opinions
-Hey have you talked to the new girl Sarah shes such a nukri!
-yeah she was so kind!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:47:59