

俚语 number1

Number 1

The shortest haircut you can get also known as a buzz cut.
I'll have a number 1 haircut please.

Number 1

Always look out for number 1.

Number 1

To pee
I drank way too much soda, I need to go number 1.

Number 1

someone who is number 1 is someone popular who talks to a lot of girls.
Dayuuuum, you see Abe over there talking with those 5 girls, hes such a Number 1!!!

Number 1

Stefán Karl Stefánsson

he will always be number 1 in our hearts :(
Coach: Who is number 1?
Me: Stefán Karl Stefánsson
Team: *cries*

Number 1

Number one is a number. Why the hell are you looking this up?
"Hey, your number 1!"

Number 1

Number 1
slang used as a way to insult somone
You number 1




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