

俚语 nut gravy

nut gravy

A whitish gelatinous DNA containing substance forcefully ejected from a man's penis during climax of the sexual act.
Jankins: I sprayed nut gravy all over her face!
Poombah James: You're the Schizz-rizzle-ba-dizzles, Matey
Jankins: And then I gave her a pearl necklace!
Poombah James: You should be a like a professional cake decorator, Baller!!

Gravy nuts

When on a hot day your nuts get a thick white to off white paste that your underwear stick to. In some cases it may be watery and will soak thru the pants.
Hey bob you got any napkins I got a mean case of gravy nuts. And its stinking

Gravy Nut

Heavier than usual ejaculation
Yo, I busted huge gravy nut on her ass.

Man, my girl is pregnant because I busted a big ole gravy nut in that pussy.

ass nut lamb gravy

Ass nut lamb gravy is a synonym for a greasy nut you bust in someones ass that has the same consistency as some cold gravy. It's usually used in some weird kinky shit where people like to be embarrassed sexually, or be talked down to like some sort of joke.

Could also be used in a sarcastic tone, but personally, I dont think ass nut lamb gravy is a joking matter. It's very serious.
"Take my ass nut lamb gravy you disgusting thanksgiving whore"

"I'd be careful buddy, dont wanna catch some ass nut lamb gravy by accident"

"You smell and look like a bowl of rotten ass nut lamb gravy, put on some deodorant"




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