

俚语 nuub


Nuub is often used by gamers. It comes from the term 'newbie' or 'noob' meaning new player.
hwgi:/Johnny The Sniper: *headshots someone*
hwgi:/Johhny The Sniper: lol, fucking nuub i pwned you
Private Newbie: omfg i fucking hate you go die!

hwgi:/spiff: *grenades spawn of allies*
ally 1: omfg wtf man?!
ally 2: omfg he hax!


Nuub is a person who does not want to admit that they are a noob and just call everyone else noob because they can't accept that they are a noob.
Pro: 'Man have you seen that NUUB, he just keeps calling everyone else noob when his KD is 1:12.'

nuub tuub

nickname for the website "youtube" and commonly refered to on cs level "assault"- meaning thats there is somebody stupid enough to entering the hostage rescue area through the ventilation shaft aka "nuub in da tuub"
"theres a nuub in da tuub",
"watch out nuub tuub"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:28:14