

俚语 back syndrome

back syndrome

when a person (usually a female) looks very attractive from the back with a combination of hair done, nice body or tight clothes, but looks a lot less than your expectation when he or she turns around
j: "yo check that girl, dayummm she's got a fine ass, now turn around cutie lemme see that face"

r: "she's turning around"


r: "she's got back syndrome alright"

Lego Back Syndrome

The characterized back pain associated with bending over while building Legos.
James: "We've been building this set for 3 hours, my back is killing me."
Ben: "Sounds like you've got Lego Back Syndrome."

Portch Back Syndrome

The result of an obese individual whose fat is so grotesque and exaggerated that it literally defies gravity creating a portch structure on their back region, in which various table items can be placed. The syndrome also known as hotel fat may ressemble homeless German children and occurs dominantly in American pigs.

Symptoms of progressive Portch Back Syndrome may include but is not limited to: hippo wings, massive appetite, social alienation, fridge full of hot pockets, a strong resemblance to Rosie O'Donald, a tendancy to be a pedophile and waddling walking disorder.
"Where's my drink? I left it right here on the portch"
"Dude we're nowhere near a portch, that was a chick with portch back syndrome!"

The other day I saw this girl with portch back syndrome and she unknowingly stole a whole fridge with her back fat!

Sometimes portch back syndrome is a good thing, now I can hold 8 things at once!

unable-to-text-back syndrome

Being a bloke I have to say this is actually what GIRLS do. They feel the need to play "hard to get" and therefore don't text back, though usually it'll be after a couple of texts so it doesn't look too obvious.
Me: I was texting Becca earlier
My Mate: Cool, how'd it go?
Me: Ok for about half an hour, then she turned on the old unable-to-text-back syndrome
My Mate: Tut, of course...

unable-to-text-back syndrome

disease contracted by men whenever we text them saying anything remotely different to 'shag me now'
text reads, how are you? No reply. looks like hes caught the syndrome

Part-time back syndrome

A highly contagious condition that seemingly settles itself upon slack-arse waitress' causing them severe pain when the hoovering is mentioned or when more than three drinks need taking out.

This particular ailment has left the medical world at a loss but i have discovered a cure! As P.T.B.S appears to be caused by general slackness in a working environment i would suggest a dose of 'servalone' to deal with the nagging affliction.

Back Seat Syndrome

The curious phenomena by which men traveling in the back of large jostling vehicles (busses, vans, ect) tend to achieve spontaneous erection due initially to the jostling of the vehicle and then secondarily to the jostling of their own wood against their legs and/or pants. This erection can often be relieved only by extrication from the back seat.
Cody: Holy cow have I got a case of Back Seat Syndrome.

Matt: Boner city?

Cody: Worst ever. Switch me spots.




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