

俚语 back tickle

back tickle

back tickle foreplay
A back tickle is when you run your fingers lightly across another's back (usually a boyfriend or girlfriend) and it sends chills down their spine and gets them very turned on.

A way to get your boyfriend/girlfriend to have sex with you.

back tickles

A form of sexual favor used by manipulating women on the most desperate of men. Somewhat related to a back massage, it involves light brushing of the fingernails and fingertips across the back in such a way as to not snag in the copius amounts of back hair.
She's staying at his house and she's not even sleeping with him. He thinks its great because he gets back tickles while he watches college football.


when Tickling someone who doesn't want to be tickled you take the Tickle back.
saying tickle-back! automatically takes the tickle away. like it never happened and the person who encountered the tickle will automatically forget they were being tickled.
Boy: *tickles grandma*
Boy: "Tickle-back! grandma calm down".

Tickle back shot

It’s tequila and pickle juice. A shot often taken at surfer the bar Jacksonville. Some, but not always, choose to tickle their homie after taking the shot.
Yo babe you come here often? Let me buy you a tickle back shot hahah sup I’m Kyle

back door pickle tickle

verb - the act of fingering a girl and feeling your penis through the back of her vagina while having anal sex
Dave:Dude! i just pulled the back door pickle tickle on Jessica!

John:Holly shit man i didn't know she was that kinky, what a whore!




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