A vacation you take funded entirely by other people and at the most inopportune times.
I decided to take an obamacation on my parents dime, i know i should have been at home studying for finals but shit, i work hard yall!!
To speak in a philosophical way to try and make yourself seem more intelligent than you are. To make Bullshit seem rational.
To speak with Big words and complicated sentence structure to try and make yourself seem superior to others.
To speak with Big words and complicated sentence structure to try and make yourself seem superior to others.
John was asked a simple question,,but chose to obamacize his answer, and bullshit us all.
The President Burger! Makes the old Big Mac taste like shit.
I`ve been eating Big Mac for years, and can`t get enough! Until I tried the new Obamac!! And daaaaaamn! That`s a burger!