An individual that lives in a constant state of obliviousness. (Noun) 1.) Describing someone who can not see the obvious, though they have been told repeatedly. 2.) Usually pertaining to one individual in a relationship, while the other runs all over town with their pants down.
Mike, I saw your wife leaving a hotel with some guy this morning. No, couln't have been her, she slept at her sister's house last night. She needed some "alone time". Mike, your a freaking obliviant!
Phineas from Phineas and Ferb.
Phineas is oblivious to Isabella's everyday flirting.
ADJ. Not having a keen conscious awareness; Lacking memory (forgetful)
1. Bush is oblivious to budget disaster.
2. It certainly takes some degree of obliviousness for someone who has
invited himself over to your table to recognize that he is unwelcome.
2. It certainly takes some degree of obliviousness for someone who has
invited himself over to your table to recognize that he is unwelcome.
Sophie keeps giving hints that she likes him but David is too oblivious to realise
really stupid and unaware
Wow, I'm really oblivious, I never realize when people are on the phone and then I make an ass out of myself.
Someone who's aware that they are an asshole is not oblivious to who and what they are.
Combination of olbiterate and oblivious. Used to describe an intense state of intoxication.
Jack was obliviated when he drank 25 beers last night.