Occhipinti is a last name that is pretty popular is italy. People with this lastname are usually good looking and extremily talented. They have long eyelashes, dark hair, and perfect skin. THey often are models. THey are very smart, and funny. People with the last name occhipinti are fucking awesome!!!!!
People with this name are very blessed!!!!!!!
People with this name are very blessed!!!!!!!
Hey, what's your lastname?
Occhipinti: It's Occhipinti!
WOW!!!!!!! You are soooo cool!
Occhipinti: It's Occhipinti!
WOW!!!!!!! You are soooo cool!
When Sun-Thurs you only go hunting for 10/10s, but come Friday and Saturday. You’ll settle for a 2
Man: “did you score a fitty last night”?
Man 2: “nah pulled a Occhipinti.
Man 2: “nah pulled a Occhipinti.