odr is a way of abreveating the words 'out door rink'. it sounds good and is alottt easier then saying 'out door rink'
yo lets hit up the odr and play some shinny!!
odr is opened but didn't reply
Angela just totally odred me on snapchat!!
Open and don't reply; When one sends another a snapchat and they open it and don't send a snapchat back.
Yeah, I odr Rachel on snapchat because she is so annoying.
to open and not respond typically on snapchat
Dude, just odr her she so clingy.
When someone opens your snapchat and doesn't respond, hence (Open Didn't Respond).
Claire ODR'ed me on snapchat today.
This kid is weird I'm gonna ODR him.
This kid is weird I'm gonna ODR him.
A bad skater or hockey player, someone who comes to outdoor rink with friends but does not have much hockey skill themselves, gets dangled and doesn't make plays, makes everyone look good
That kid Nathan is such an ODR pylon, he just lets other people dangle around him, he makes everyone look good.
Carp Odr
The carp odr is a place where lovers go to meet. It is used as a place to skate but also suck and fuck.
Only the hottest girls are allowed to go there.
Only the hottest girls are allowed to go there.
The pickles overlapped at the CARP ODR😉