

俚语 office bitch

Office Bitch

Does all the crappy jobs in the office no-one else wants to do. Maybe involving going around town getting keys cut or popping over the post office to pick up post too.
You want me to do what? Throw that over to Dave, the office bitch!

Office bitch

(n). The one person in a workplace, often a woman but not exclusively, whose job functions seem to be limited to making her coworkers' lives as hellish as possible and as underhandedly as possible for as long as possible in her unstoppable quest for unmerited power.
Do you know that office bitch made the company lose thousands of dollars just so that her rival would get fired?

Back Office Bitch

A term used by USAF Security Forces members. Generally refers to a female who has guzzled enough spuzzle to secure a lax desk job.
POSairman1-"Whatever happened to that new cunt we got on flight a few weeks ago?"
POSairman2-"Shes a back office bitch now. If you need her I think shes under the commander's desk."

White Office Bitch (WOB)

A professional, working office woman with a stern and frequently bitchy attitude. She isn't afraid to use business processes and policies to get the job done.
Stand up participant 1: "How did you go with the contract negotiation?"
Stand up participant 2: "Oh, I got what I needed -- I channeled my inner White Office Bitch (WOB)"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:21:45