Oh Billy
Used by Jim Carey in "The Cable Guy" but it's a spoof to the movie "Midnight Express" starring Brad Davis playing as the main character Billy Hayes in a Turkish prison.
Oh Billy!
Oh Billy
A general exclamation, demonstrating mostly dismay or displeasure with a situation. See also Fuck a pig with a stick
*as your car flies off a cliff* OH BILLY!
Oh Billy!
affectionate term used when ever... preferably screamed at the top of ones lungs. anyone named eric, is reffered to as oh billy.
*OH Billy!
- where have you been all my life
* in your bum bum.
- where have you been all my life
* in your bum bum.
oh billy
code name for a "hot chick"
If you're out with your wife and you see a "hot chick" you can turn to your buddy and say "oh billy at 2 O'clock"
asking to do suki suki with Cheerios Honey Nut or with
“Ur in the middle of eating cheerios or spaghettios“ OH BILLY