

俚语 bacteria


little microrgansims that cause infection and diseases
bacteria kill by the millions


Tiny beings that you live with.
I live with a bunch of bacteria
I sleep with them too...


my dad .
"my dad is a bacteria


the backdoor of a cafeteria
I went out the bacteria.

bacteria rancher

A person that, unknowingly or knowingly, ranches bacteria by not showering after football practice, weightlifting or any activity that involves heavy sweating.

It's the type of person that, for example, sweats while working out at the gym, then leaves without showering and goes to deposit all the sweat, filth and bacteria into their car seats where it can multiply and get stronger.
Girl 1: Lana is such a skank. She works out at the gym, sweats all over her clothes, and then gets in her car and sweats into the seats!

Girl 2: Oh gross, she is such a bacteria rancher!

monsieur bacteria

The opposite of Mr Beast - an evil genius who has a curly moustache, eats baguettes, cuts off your arms and legs, and steals $100000 dollars from people.
Person 1: Did you see that new monsieur bacteria video?
Person 2: YESS! He put down every dog in the pound

Bacteria John

A mass of bacteria who was only featured in the Talking Bacteria John app. A bacteria that also adores aspirin, donuts, syringes and laughing crazy. Is also a member of ISIS. Has many brothers names John, John and John.
We must all praise our dark overlord Bacteria John and sacrifice syringes and aspirin to him.




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