

俚语 oh right

oh right

An statement to say when somebody is saying something which you have no interest in at all, but they are extremely enthusiastic about.
Has to be sed in a low tone of voice whith not much pitch change.
Helen: OMG jade has gone up a cup size.
Amy:......oh right *no eye contact*

Oh right, okay

When there’s nothing left to say except those three little words, you’d use the statement of “Oh right, okay.” To reply to someone that has either a) hurt your feelings or b) told you something that you weren’t previously aware of.

Typically used amongst British people.
“So I told a white lie - I didn’t actually want to meet your family, I just felt like it was way too soon.”

“Oh right, okay.”

Right Oh

Like Ok, or right on. Used with an English accent.
Friend: I'm getting some really good herb today!

You: Right oh!!!

Yeah Right Oh

A sarcastic phrase used typically by people up north.
Dave: Hey Tristan I hear your giving out free bags of Weed.

Tristan: Yeah Right OH!

Oh ya you right

Oh ya you right is a 4 word sentence used by t shirt cannon in object towel again 9, when grey guy tells him he doesnt have arms.
"My arms are getting tired! You dont have arms! Oh ya you right."

oh right gtg

A thing guys say when they need to go
"oh right gtg"-boy
"Oh ok, bye ig"-girl

Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push

Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push
Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:33:29