Also know as Smokotoks in which we finally got a costco!!!! and all around the best town in alberta.
Let's go smoke some weed in smokotoks.
Garbage town in Alberta filled with coke heads and thots.
Hey want to go to okotoks? Naw I’d rather get jumped in Calgary than get jumped in this shit hole.
A hick town in Alberta.
Okotoks is the hickest town in the 3rd hickest province in the best country in the world.
Westmount school Okotoks
Filled with big baby’s
And the worst school in okotoks
Lots of people have FAKE DEPRESSION
And the worst school in okotoks
Lots of people have FAKE DEPRESSION
Kid 1 what school do you go to
Kid 2 Westmount school Okotoks
Kid 1 *walks away*
Kid 2 Westmount school Okotoks
Kid 1 *walks away*
okotoks stroke and poke
When you puts a finger up your butt while stroking your meat. Named after Okotoks, is a small town in Canada
she gave me that okotoks stroke and poke
ecole okotoks junior high school
a school in okotoks filled with pot heads. also known as " oj "
kid1: hey wat school do u go to?
kid2: ecole okotoks junior high school
kid1: oh so ur a pot head
kid2: ecole okotoks junior high school
kid1: oh so ur a pot head