

俚语 old cock

OLD Cock

An Australian slang term for in air conditioning retrofitter

The barra van has to go to old Cocks for ac

Customer the ac isn't cold mate

Mechanic no drama mate take it to old cocks

Old Cock

When somebody is lost whilst hiking they will get out a compass to orientate themselves and correct course if needed
Glenn and Steve were hiking across the moors and Steve insisted that they were lost, so Glenn said he'll have to get his old cock out again to make sure they were heading in the right direction.

Old cock

The expression 'old cock', was a familiar form of greeting was quite common in the UK last century, and perhaps still is. It’s also commonly used in Australia as slang as a term of endearment when referring to longtime friends.
“Hello Old Cock, how ya been?

old cock

A cock that is always laying down; never reaches a hard. (See ED and limp)
That man has an old cock and never pleases his bitch.

chip off the old cock

1) To have a similar cock to your father/mother.

2) To take an old man's cock, take a knife, and chop off a little piece.
Dad: Well Johnny, you're really a chip off the old cock.

Nurse: Okay Mr. Johnson, we need a chip off the old cock. Pull your pants down.

old mans cock

British Slang: A tasty spreadable marshmallow treat
Susan says "after a round of nut tinglinling golf, I could really go for a large helping of old mans cock"

Old Kennedy Cock Punch

(n) A deceptive maneuver, when one kneels, pretending to adjust the penny in his loafer, only to raise up and punch someone square in the cock.
Mike: "Oh shoot, my penny is falling out of my loafer..." (kneels to fix it)

Bill: "I hate it when that happens"

Mike: (Punching Bill in the cock) "Old Kennedy Cock Punch!"




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