This person is a thick nigga and will always make you laugh
Olinga can you return back to Africa
The best basketball player in Seattle
I felt like Olinga out there on the court
Olinga is an African boy's name. They have an amazing smile, awesome sense of style and good humor. Creative, caring and generous, they can also be stubborn, introverted and passive-aggressive when angry. They are awesome at cooking and playing guitar.
Omg Olinga can you pleeaase make that lemon cheesecake again?!
The best basketball player in Seattle
I felt like OLINGA out there on the court
This African boy is a 5-star athlete and can be very generous with his time when surrounded by the people he loves. Olinga usually plays around with his pet nahome and max, who guard daily and night. His very talented at basketball and thick.
Dam, that dude olinga is thick and cooking dudes on the court also, are those his pets