

俚语 olive tree

Olive tree

olive tree, as in The Goodness Of The Olive Tree, from the Bertolli advert. It is the genitalia of any man with the surname of Olive, and The Goodness Of The Olive Tree is therefore his spunk.
so anyways, then Olive got his Olive tree out and i was like lol its tiny.

i got The Goodness Of The Olive Tree in my hair and had to wash it out real quick.

oliver tree

A simple man who achieved Godhood by constructing the largest scooter known to man, having legendary scooter skills, and rocking the now pussy slaying hairstyle know as a bowl cut.
Man 1:.hey, have you heard of Oliver Tree?
Man 2: Who hasn't my guy?

Both men then proceed to ride into the sunset on a razor scooter and rocking a bowl cut.

Oliver Tree

Not only is he an awesome artist, but he is ALSO immortal, dude almost dies like 5 times and is still alive. True legend.
"Hey have you heard about Oliver Tree?" "Yeah, the guy who somehow always survives near-dead experiences."

Oliver Tree

The most whiny and annoying fucking “artist” I’ve heard in my entire fucking life. Not just that his lyrics are bad, but his voice is like sandpaper on my fucking eardrums.
P1: ayo pass the aux
P2: okay just don’t play anything shitty
P1: ok *plays Oliver tree*
P3: yo what is this shit
P2: get out of my house

Oliver Tree

Terrible disgusting so called “artist”. Abusive towards 4 eyed aliens
Dumbass: “I love Oliver tree”
Amazing person: “he abused sexi alien”

Dumbass: “me dumbass no care”

Oliver tree

he is a indie singer and he makes really good music
oi blud u like oliver tree?
yea yea hes a tru legend him

Oliver tree

Totally awesome guy who is still CHILL with his alien ex girlfriend and they ended on GOOD terms, also really fucking sexy
Random person: "Mmmm I need Oliver tree in my mouth~"
Everybody on this planet: "same."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:40:07