

俚语 bad dad

Bad Dad

One who never even attempts contact with the child. One who gives up custody of ones child.
Anyone can be a Bad Dad. It takes much more skill to be a good Father.

bad dad

a dad whom pays child support (only because the state holds it out of his check) and talks to a child makes plans and never follows thru with them on a repeated basis.
Myth: Dad says to son: I will get you 2 days after Christmas, when I get home from work.
Fact:Dad doesnt call nor show up till December 31st. This makes him a "bad dad".

bad luck dad

a phrase you say when something unfortunate but trivial happens
person 1: *puts cupcake mix, oil, and water into a bowl. forgets to check if there's any more eggs for cupcakes and finding out afterwards there's none* i think we are out of eggs

person 2: wow, that's some bad luck dad




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