The language retards use when extremely frustrated, surprised, or just all the time. Involves many OMGs and exclamation marks.
Regular Person: I liked the sequel better.
OMGspeaker: ZOMGZ!!!!!! fuk yuo ur porly retartedf yo gay n0b0!!!!!!!!!!! sutf froveer ,stuiped asshol!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!
Regular person: ...What?
OMGspeaker 1: dud, i got all teh bets ponr vdoies fro rfee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGspeaker 2: tahts gai, i gto moer tnah tose wat u gay im pro at pnor, fga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regular kid: Guys, school's been out for like 3 hours. Are you just gonna sit there and play Runescape all day?
OMGspeaker 1: stfu, afgg!!!!!!! rNuescaep is teh best!!!!!!!! OMF!!!!!!!!
OMGspeak is for retards and sarcastic persons only.
OMGspeaker: ZOMGZ!!!!!! fuk yuo ur porly retartedf yo gay n0b0!!!!!!!!!!! sutf froveer ,stuiped asshol!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!
Regular person: ...What?
OMGspeaker 1: dud, i got all teh bets ponr vdoies fro rfee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGspeaker 2: tahts gai, i gto moer tnah tose wat u gay im pro at pnor, fga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regular kid: Guys, school's been out for like 3 hours. Are you just gonna sit there and play Runescape all day?
OMGspeaker 1: stfu, afgg!!!!!!! rNuescaep is teh best!!!!!!!! OMF!!!!!!!!
OMGspeak is for retards and sarcastic persons only.