

俚语 one beer

One Beer

(n): The act of going out, with full intentions of having just that "one beer", but always failing, through peer pressure and lack of self control, into getting shit-pants drunk.
"Let's just have one beer tonight, I have to wake up stupid early tomorrow."

one beer queer

A person who cannot "hold alcohol". Simply, one who is subject to the effects of alcohol quickly, most effectively in one beer.

Note, queer does not necessarily refer to the person's sexuality.
Jeff's a one beer queer. After a Bud, he was out.

one beers time

An interval of time used to describe how long you have been doing something, been somewhere, and so forth when you are drinking and do not have any other means of telling time.

Disclaimer: When you are speaking to a women in terms of one beers time you need to multiply your number by approximately 5.
Me: How long have we been at the beach?
My friend: I don't know, about "one beers time".
AKA: We've been here for a little over an ten minutes.

Me: How long have we been at the beach?
My friend: I don't know, about five beers time.
AKA: We've been here for about an hour.

One beer wonder

1. A person that become intoxicated after a very small ammount of alcohol.
Person 1: Hey, look at Dart, he passed out! How much did he have?

Person 2: Haha, he had one beer!

Person 1: Haha, that kids a one beer wonder.

One Beer Queer

A person who gets drunk off one beer, therefore making themselves look like a queer.
Clarence:"Hey Devin are you drunk all ready?"
Jim:"Yea he is, he's a one beer queer!"

one beer drowsies

When a person drinks only one or two beers, then stops drinking, the person will inevitably become tired/drowsie. This phrase describes that phenomenon.
Since I've had lunch I've got the one beer drowsies, should have drank three or four, at least then I'd be able to stay awake.

One Beer Bufkin

A person who can only handle one beer at a time before becoming extremely drawn
Bro I can handle my liquor, I'm not a one beer bufkin




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