

俚语 one like's

One like

this is the challenge in social networks, which you give to yourself, for example:
one like and I'll do something, then you put like your post and write in comments - OK
Andrew posted a status update: one like and I'll smoke a hookah today!
one "like" from Andrew
comments: Andrew: OK

no one likes you

When someone is being really gay, this is what one would say to get them to STFU, mostly. It also is commonly used sarcastically.
On the flip side, the opposite can also be used, usually sarcastically.
Shut up, no one likes you.

no one likes me

it means "go die in a hole"
no one likes me Brian

Ricey ricey rice no one like rice cake

Dry as hell man
Dude: dryer than the depths of hell
Rando: you are not wrong

Rando Asian: Ricey ricey rice no one like rice cake

Squeeze one out like a commando

The act of forcing oneself to defecate, even though one doesn't require to defecate. Usually used to make room in the stomach so one can eat more.
Bob was so full at the Chinese buffet that he went to the toilet to Squeeze one out like a commando to make room for dessert.

National Get Frank A Fucking Gf Cause Hes A Big Piece Of Dog Shit And No One Likes Him Prob

get frank a gf and watch as they break up a week later
Wow Frank Has A Gf,Oh They Broke Up. National Get Frank A Fucking Gf Cause Hes A Big Piece Of Dog Shit And No One Likes Him Prob

It's like one of my japanese animes

The phrase you say, when you find something that references to the anime. In real life.
Or just Otacon from metal gear solid.
Person A gets confronted by the robot ninja.
Person A : What's with these guys?
Person A : ...It's like one of my japanese animes...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:46:54