

俚语 on-ledge


Shortened slang for "legendary", or, more commonly, for "legend".
Jesus, you fucking ledge!


Short for Legendery, is some thing is good, excellent or fun it is "Ledge"
Ah Mate, Will's parties are Ledge!


an expression also short for legend, used to describe a fantastic person.
you are a proper ledge mate


Ledge, a noun, short for legend, refers to someone who's just done something so astonishing that they'll be remembered as "that cool dude/dudette/duderino that did X." I.e., an absolute madlad.
Dude, can you believe Dream broke the minecraft 1.14.4 speedrun record at 4 AM AND hit a pigman for five bucks? What a ledge.


Term used to describe someone who is legendary but they’re so legendary they probably don’t have time for you to say the four syllable word so instead the one syllable word; “ledge” was invented.
That guy is so ledge that he is the king of all ledges


A legend in the making.
An individual who is on the verge of a legendary status.
Showing appreciation to someone due to a favour.
Note: The word 'Legend' is often over used for individuals who are truly not worthy of the title. Using the word 'Ledge' can be a more meaningfull fit, without taking anything away from the person.
Billy: Tom really helped me with my assignment man, he is a Ledge!

Sam: 'Joe can you cover my shift on saturday? I really need it off.'
Joe: 'ummm... OK'
Sam: 'Aw cheers mate, your a Ledge!'

no ledge

A different way to write "knowledge" basing on the sound of the two words.
no ledge = knowledge

U2 = you too

luv u = love you




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:26:58