

俚语 online gamer's

Online Gamer

Human, commonly male, that creams their pants upon hearing a female at the other end of the mic. ALso has a fond attraction to the word "Faggot" or "fag"
Online gamers always say faggot and or chat with females in all gaming lobbies.

online gamer

socially maladjusted shut-in.
if you never go outside, have never dated anyone and will one day shoot up your high-school then chances are you're on of them.

Online Gamer

Online Gamer means to be a gamer and playing online but, also being beast at the game.
He is such a online gamer bro

online gamer douch

anybody who goes online (xbox or ps3) and is more about winning than having fun which is the point of video games.
Online Gamer Douch: WTF did you just steal my kill u noob.
Me: Relax its just a game have fun
OGD: Na man i go pro
Me: You get paid for this
OGD: No noob I pro means i play just to win not 4 fun
Me : Your a tool
OGD: That it im fileing a complaint




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更新时间:2024/9/21 11:06:04