Someone who is getting ‘on’ any sort of video games. Used when asking if someone will become gamer.
Any onners?
hanger onner
Someone who clings to successful people, like a leach. Usually an acquaintance.
If Finley were to become a famous, I would be a hanger onner for sure.
Off and onner
For instance a couple that goes from hating each other-to breaking up-to going back out again, over and over.
""You know Steve and Erica? They have such an off and onner relationship."
The person who does the picking
designers picking on other designers just makes the picker-onner look insecure.
A person who will act like they like you, but is really just being totally vane and doesn't care about you/your feelings at all. Basically, a major tease, a flirt.
Dude, Scarlett O'Hara is a major leader-onner. She didn't care a thing about her dead husbands.
a female, who on some days you want to be on her and on other days you want to be off her
hey man, you bangin that girl over there?
It really depends, shes an onner-offer
It really depends, shes an onner-offer
(noun) Someone who checks up on something.
"You guys will execute our new policy, and I will be the checker-upper-onner for it to be sure you guys are doing it correctly.