

俚语 on the tit

on the tit

phrase used to describe a baby that still breastfeeds.
Jonah will probably be on the tit until he turns one year old.

on the tit

A pejorative term used to define someone that is overly reliant on others for their basic needs.

Welfare dynasties, basement dwellers, statists, socialists, communists, and other such entitled people fall into the category of people happily on the tit.
John is 31 years old living in his mothers house and refuses to move out or get a job. He's been on the tit for too long.

tit for tit

An even exchange - "this for that".
Example -
Gob: "You know - tit for tit."
Michael: "That's... not the saying."

That's Tits!

Phrase exclaiming happiness and joy upon hearing and/or learning good news.
Shannon came in the room and sat next to Nikki. For the first time this week she appeared happy. She whispered into Nikki's ear, "I got my period today ". Her smile was indeed infectious as it then spread across Nikki's face as he exclaimed "That's Tits! It really is, lover. But I still need church in my life and I need the type of religion that I can only find at the altar that is between your legs". Grinning in agreement, Shannon rousted Nikki from his chair so that he might get to "church" on time.


Tits, what most people mistake as the females chest, it actually stands for “Tasty Italian tomato sauce”
Oh ya, I love tits


What I don’t have
I have no tits.


When you're skiing deep powder and get so pitted that it's blowing up to your tits.
We got so titted today on the mountain, I got so many face shots.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:33:40