

俚语 09


abbreviation on IM/text for "oh, nein"/"oh, no"
"omg i think i just broke a glass D:"



09 is basically saying 2009 but a shorter way of doing it
I ain’t cried sense 09


noun, verb; a term of endearment used when other, more conventional terms, such as lover, BFF and bestie are temporarily forgotten.
Pike, will you be my '09?"


when making a =) smiley without holding down the shift key.
09 = =)
my mom bought me a computer 09


akademiks jeanuis level products...
ya know...

summer of '09

the summer of scene kids and pink hair.
"Back in the summer of '09, when i was still a teenager, the kids thought it would be cool/original to dye their hair pink to the point where it was cliche."


an acronym for brad pitt- new orleans- 2009 which comes for a rumar in the levee news paper in lousiana. "brad pitt for mayor" is found on t-shirts, stickers, buttons, etc. in the new orleans area, usually in one of those high end- souviner shops on magazine street. not commonly found in the french quarter.
guy 1: dude, did u read on the levee that brad pitt is running for mayor?

guy 2: (turns around holding sign sayin bp-no-09) no duhh, every1 has 1 of those shirts!




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