OOOON is short for person and place , ORACLE OF OMAHA OMAHA NEBRASKA. The person's name is WARREN EDWARD BUFFETT known as the ORACLE OF OMAHA that is RIGHT ON.
You will always be RIGHT ON with OOOON. A good song to listen to is UNEASY RIDER by CHARLES EDWARD DANIELS as he is RIGHT OOOON. I don't have to go to TWITTER ever as I am knowing OOOON is RIGHT ON and that is the next to the last word.
This is a compound five word phrase where you have to go to be RIGHT ON. It is an abbreviation of the amount of ECONOMIC IMPACT PAYMENTS SENT on MARCH 13 ,2021 before STIMMY.
The question is how many STIMMY today are being sent out , ask OOOON.. You need OOOON in your LIFE to be RIGHT ON. By the way I recommend you listen to UNEASY RIDER by Charles Edward Daniels he will tell you where to go because he is RIGHT ON.
where to go.
where to go.