

俚语 open get

Open get

When one notices all the flaws and imperfections, mostly idiocy, in someone, and then begins to tear them a new one in the most thorough of fashion. Named this due to the fact its as if all of their mental retardation was in an open field and you just got it all in one place to shove in their face.
Well the whore complained about abortions and wondered why her parents didn't accept her, John couldn't help but Open get her.

get open

to run quickly, or sprint, after something or away from something. Synonomous with "dip".
Man you better get open it closes in five minutes! (running to the corner store)

Get open

Get open” in this context is just another way to say he’s “going off” or “getting busy” on the mic
Can i Get open on the mic




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:01:31