

俚语 opti's


A smaller bathtub sized sailboat that holds up to 110 pounds. Goes into water and almost immediately tips over. Sailed by the coolest of cool kids ages 8-12 or as they demand “preteens”. The optimist sailboat does not only flip over easily, but the kid sailing it tends to flip over other kids optimist (with the kid in it) or more preferably fill it with water from ones bailer. Opti kids are often paired with the Laser Sailboats or even a 420 (it’s a boat not pot) during “for fun races”. The optimist consists of normally three airbags for all the capsizing and a large population of “pincher bugs”.
Oh yeah, those are opti kids that’s why ones covered in sand and the others drowning.


shorthand for opteron CPUs produced by AMD.
My friend loves his opty 165
older optys are still quite expensive
Optys are "intended" for servers.


The best person to ever exist, everyone who meets her falls in love with her. You'll never meet a girl as good as her and the second you meet her you'll know it.
"I love Opti so much she's the apple of my opteye."


short for optispark distributor, used in GM's LT1 engine
"Yo dawg, you got that opti out yet?"


An ausome word. used for anything you can think of. If you are in a awkward conversation and you dont know what to say you just say "umm....OPTIED!!! WOOO!!!!" a word made up by me. use it whenever to whoever you want cause no one will have a clue what it means!! best word in the fricken world. its hella asuome!!! wooo
1. "That tree is so big!" "It's optied!"

2. *awkward quesion* optied!!!

3. What is the anser to number 56667?" OPtied!!!

4, thats hella optied

5. Thats fricken optied!!!


The most horrible and perverse sexual act imaginable. Let us just say it involves scat, teabagging, listerine and certain things going into person's mouth and eye ball.
Yo dawg, you wanna go opti out?


Refers to kids sailing Opti's.

Also means immaturity.
Tiago: Look! A plane! VEERRRRRRRRRRM!!!!! VROOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

Taylor: Omg, Tiago, you have so much OPTINESS!




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