Orofinoans are sad shitty Narcissistic people that failed at they’re own life so they place the blame on the non socials. They manipulate these said individuals after placing secret deep state green on them and cower them to purgatory. Orofinoians also love to play victim in they’re shitty games so they can all unit against the people they talked shit about cause they no nothing but h8. No matter how far an Orofinoians goes, they will spread false hate for the goal because They’re are all just shitty people that absolutely will never make it anywhere unless millions just magically fall into they’re Laps. Orofinoians also take pride in being rapists, being non responsible for anything, secrets, failures, “work hard for a filler type”, and egotisticaldouble dickers. They will never change and avoid one at upmost cause. They think they’re gods reject and will make any suffer who will never want to be apart of they’re cult. They enjoy response like every hater would so just say 🖕🏻
Hey u know that secret we all hide: fake victim #1: yeh Fake victim 3: ayyy hahah we should get that done.: housewatcher#1000: fursure let me go poo push and get the area code hoe.government: take out housewatcher1000. Man it’s great to be an Orofinoians
People in small towns that can’t handle there own failures, so they place blame on the non social climbersand play deep state games where they manipulate them into dark places. Orofinoans know they failed at life, but can’t admit it. They know they’re not going places so the secret organize governmental type Gay shit, where they autisticly Hillary you. They will never go the hard way unless it’s sedatives N ass raping you; they always find the ez way. Orofinoians also like to find excuses about they’re culprit, so they place that blame off themselves on what they really are and unify for the honey pot. They just can’t accept that they’re the worst of the worst type of people and that’s why they fit in with each other. They’re just all social climbing, Rapist, junky, trifling, backwoods, and “hard working” smart assrejects that all fuck each other. No matter where they go or move they’ll always be shitty orofinoans that spread hate.
Butt pusher#1: hey, u know about the secret we don’t talk about?.......................................Fake victim: yeah...,.,,, butt pusher 1: let’s finally get paid. Fake victim: fur sure ahhhhahha fake #2: asshole after reds house get done fucking that area code hoe. House bino watcher#1000: yeah we even lie to our own to get our way. Government: kill house watcher 1000 man we’re just a bunch of Orofinoians .