

俚语 orry


A gorgeous, respectful, considerate, selfless gentleman

A freckle-faced kid with eyes that could kill. Who drives you crazy just by saying a word or two. A person that has the power to make you rethink your entire life.

A guy that can light up the room. Or the world.
1. He's not only hot but he's an Orry. Best of both worlds.

2. She's set for life, she's got an Orry!


Orry could be used as an adjective or described as how you smell or what a thing is.
You look like an orry-Colin.
You smell like orry-Amine.


1. A narcissist that loves everyone
2. A paradox
3. Patrick Swayze's character in "North and South"
1. "That guy is so into himself." "Yeah, but he just gave that homeless guy a car." "What an Orry."
2. "Can anyone give me an example of an orry?"
"Something that is nothing?" "Correct."
3. "Orry was a beast in that mini-series, but it took FOREVAR!"


A: The russian word for thief.
B: An Orry is a male who had to do atleast 5 classes over.
A: Dude, that guy just stole my bike.
That Orry!

B: He is 20 and still in the 3rth grade?
Yeah, he's an Orry


An amazing guy that will always be there for you. He is usually really tall or really short. Orries have great senses of humor and can make anyone smile. Orries are very clumsy. Most Orries have dirty minds. You will always want to have an Orrie in you life
Guy 1: *sharpining pencil*

Guy 1: hey orrie it won't go in the hole
Orrie: hahahahaha *dirty mind*

Guy 1: is that Orrie ?
Guy 2: yeah
Guy 1: I heard Orrie's are good friends with erins


Usually a guy who worships Hitler and wabts to become a nazi.
Hlynur: Hey how was your day
Orri: I like nazis
Hlynur: Wow you is an Orri


When your telling a story to your friend that you were involved in having to go ahead with a mission type journey or going through with a tough objective, such as “going to ijuice to see Moey”.Originated in the Western Sydney region.
Ay, I’m pulling an orrie, if anyone’s asks you tried to call me and my phones off




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