5 B's
Beers, Bets, Boxing, Bro's and Bumming.
Can't wait for the 5 B's on Saturday night.
The 5 B's
Blunts, BBQ, Beer, Bottles, and Bitches
Man, we need to have a party... I'm tryna get the 5 B's goin. Feel me
When you receive your report card to find you have 2 As and 2 Bs.
"Hey, what did you get on your report card?"
"A B.5"
"Two As and two Bs? Cool."
"A B.5"
"Two As and two Bs? Cool."
Churchy-B 5 Knuckle Shuffle
The art of bashing one’s bishop whilst using one’s knuckles as clitoral stimulation.
He administered the Churchy-B 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and what followed is what can only be described as a monstrous frenzy of bum twitching orgasms.. you’re welcome!
Churchy-B 5 Knuckle Shuffle
The art of bashing one’s bishop whilst using one’s knuckles as a clitoral stimulation.
He administered the Churchy-B 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and what followed is what can only be described as a monstrous frenzy of bum twitching orgasms. You’re welcome!
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When you slam your head on your keyboard
hey guys i FfyxtfcKv;;9’nkl;jnijoml,l,lm!mkjkjIjijOjIuiUuU*7hjnk;jnj;jnjbh*hbJnJhhHubyVyniKkekeMwmmemMammNgYnbgBbvhg. Hgvff(vvuy8\\6**(68/8\\878\\68\\)’HuhvHinlkjKhbkjjOiHuihIunkjBkhbiuGugigYifgjbjlnnjhbyft$rssea#45&b;*5&*6/j;()vghg(ghkl;
5 B’s
The 5 B’s of my life:
Blues, Bluegrass, Bonsai, Biking and Beer.
Blues, Bluegrass, Bonsai, Biking and Beer.
The 5 B’s of Life