originating from the word afro. But not on the head, but on the back. More commonly known as a hairy back.
woah that guy has a bafro!
1.a hair style originating with balding black persons, in which the hair is allowed to grow and fall out naturally and to acquire a bushy yet shiny appearance.
1.a hair style originating with balding black persons, in which the hair is allowed to grow and fall out naturally and to acquire a bushy yet shiny appearance.
This rain's gonna ruin my bafro!
The type of afro the grows on ones balls. Primarily found on people with the name of Nicholas.
Hey dude, I was shaving my bafro and I clogged the drain.
A large afro.
The opposite of a smafro.
The opposite of a smafro.
That is one serious bafro!