

俚语 outsane


A state transcending all preconceptions of reality - neither sane nor insane, but encompassing both.
Yeah, he was tripping, but that doesn't mean he didn't make sense. It was outsane.


Something that is beyond insane.
"Oh man! That stunt was outsane!"


An altered sense of reality caused by a drug induced state
Every thing is all outsane on acid.


It means you've gone below insane on the insanity chart. To the last level.
I've gone completely outsane!!


Unlike insanity, which is simply a lack of sanity, outsanity is the complete opposite of sanity. Imagine going all the way through insanity and coming out on the other end, discworld-like, in a state that is so silly and weird and zany that there is no other way to describe it other that being completely outsane; a sort of state where your sanity is racing down a fifth-dimension street with a soapbox parade in tow, shouting 'I am the emperor of Sicily! I am nighthoover! Fear me! FEAR ME!' - imagine that, if you can, and you might get an idea of what outsanity is like. But you have to be there to know it.
A: What the hell is that? Are you mad?
B: Mad? Me? Oh nonono, my dear... I'm outsane. Muahahahaha!


A new level of understanding, so sane that anyone who is sane judges you as insane when you're actually just smarter than them in ways they can't imagine.
If an outsane person tries to tell sane people that the universe is infinite thus so is probability so they're aleady dead so fuck it, the sane person will give a quizzical look of perplexment and walk off like a douche-bag this, may also occur when you try to explain that life is pointless
Outsane Person: hey life isn't worth living because you're going to die anyway

Sane Person: I believe that we have a higher purpose

Outsane Person: yeah but what happens when we serve that purpose? do we just float on this rock like until we evolve some more to become anthropomorphous entities, it will be a nice day for furries at least

Insane Person: I'd like to have sex with an anthropomorphous entity because i'm a furry


Not sane. The word "insane" has been noted as someone who is "not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged"(via Dictionary.com). But, technically if you are INsane, aren't you IN sanity? You'd should be healthy in the head. So, if you've gone crazy the word OUTsane fits better. Obviously with the word you mean that you are OUT of sanity. You are not fit in the head.
"I just jumped that cliff."

"MAN! What were you thinking? You are OUTSANE!"




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