

俚语 out the ass

out the ass

a whole lot; lots of; too much; a shitload; large amount
That dude just made a G in 1 day. Now thats money out the ass.

lying out the ass

Whenever people (e. g. car salesmen, politicians, police/security, etc.) say whatever they need to to get you to do what they want
When that salesman said I won a big prize in a contest he was lying out the ass!

Paying out the ass

Something you will pay a ridiculous amount of money to rent, buy, or repair/maintain.
"I just bought a used 1987 Porsche 944 Turbo...looks cool, but I know I'll be paying out the ass to do repairs on it!!"

Swag Out The Ass

Noun: The combination of the attitude of a winner, the clothes of a stunta, and the personality of an Usher background dancer.

Abbreviation: SOTA

Antonym: Dusty Swag
"That kid is so hard and got a drop that would make Diddy jealous. He's got Swag out the ass!"

charged out the ass

An expression used to say "an abundant amount" or "a lot"
After I bought all of those clothes, it felt like I was charged out the ass.

lying out the ass"

My definition of lying out the ass?Wwould be someone that was a pathological liar.Who was involved in some kind of accident that damaged his face so badly.That the only solution doctors could come up with.Was to transplant his ass to his neck.His asshole would then be used as his mouth.So, his lying would continue, but would come out of his ass..not his mouth.Rather strange occurance.Something, maybe for the National Enquirer.
A person having his ass attached to his neck, would be "lying out the ass". Everytime he told a lie.

Blew out it's ass

Something or someone has shit itself.
"My damn car blew out it's ass last night."
"Nick Willis really blew out his ass in the 1500 meter final!"




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