

俚语 out the wazoo

out the wazoo

excessive, to the extreme
they are going to tax us out the wazoo!

out the wazoo

excessive, to the extreme, abundant or overwhelming in a ridiculous or comical way
I've had phone calls out the wazoo this morning

Dripped out the wazoo

Extremely fresh, cool, handsome, hot, absolute juicer of a man
The pimp had all the hoes lining up because he was dripped out the wazoo

Cracked out the wazoo

used to describe a state of being where you have ascended your basic skills and over peform on everything
i just got a triple kill in the kindergarden, im cracked out the wazoo rn

coming out the wazoo

Having in a plentiful amount.
Dude, that mother fucker has money coming out the wazoo.

Dripped out the wazoo

Extremely fresh, cool, handsome, hot, absolute juicer of a man
Timmy was a pimp at 10 and had all the moms and hoes lining up because he was dripped out the wazoo

Cracked out the wazoo

To be excessively cracked out. To be in an extreme state of being cracked out. Usually results from premature birth and/or drinking heavily the night before.
Cristina: "I wanna make babies."
Justin: "Yo, you are seriously cracked out the wazoo."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:26:16