

俚语 ovarious


A term used when a woman is acting ballsy.
that is very ovarious of you.

The Ovaries

An Australian hard rock band who like to "rock out with their ovaries out" with songs such as "bitch is it your time of the month" "devil snare" (which is based on the popular harry potter movies) and other songs about murder and the zombie apocalypse.
Man can't wait to see The Ovaries tonight, they are so cool


The female reproductive organs,and become extremely unbearable when mensturating. Prone to ovary explosion.
My ovaries are killing me.


the body part that contains a woman's eggs.
2. often kicked by angry men
I'm gonna kick you in the ovary's bitch!


courage; guts. used to empower women and stop balls from being the only sex organs that denote gutsiness.
i dunno if i have the ovaries to jump off that high ledge


The newest kind of threat.
I'm gonna punch you in your ovaries!


What emo boys have that make them make such sissy music. it is also said that emo girls have cocks
Oh man. my ovaries kicked in and now my third album totally sucks emogirl cock




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:34:27