This word is basis of Life/Death which is expanded infinitely that it is impossible to understand or talk about this word completely with perfection. The Human-Being who keep this word in their Heart, Impossible become Possible to Him. This word Oराम makes any human being super-powerful, super-intelligent when he receives the highest Authority with All Supreme Powers to make the Right Changes required in Present for Mother Earth.
This Word is the only method or technology which can help Humanity to Transcend into 5th Dimension of Peace & Spirituality. The great importance of this Name was discussed by many great Saints, Spiritual Leaders & Human Generations in different Time-Periods. There is a Story famous of a Monkey who Swallowed the Fire Ball (SUN) in his Mouth and many other in Indian Mythology & Spiritual Subjects. The Supreme Four Texts also knows a Vedas appreciate the same Name in many different Ways. This Knowledge is Beyond to a any ordinary Human Brain to understand but Its Presence makes Environment with Unlimited True Powers of Strength, Love, Peace in World.
This Word is the only method or technology which can help Humanity to Transcend into 5th Dimension of Peace & Spirituality. The great importance of this Name was discussed by many great Saints, Spiritual Leaders & Human Generations in different Time-Periods. There is a Story famous of a Monkey who Swallowed the Fire Ball (SUN) in his Mouth and many other in Indian Mythology & Spiritual Subjects. The Supreme Four Texts also knows a Vedas appreciate the same Name in many different Ways. This Knowledge is Beyond to a any ordinary Human Brain to understand but Its Presence makes Environment with Unlimited True Powers of Strength, Love, Peace in World.
This book, Oराम in Hindi, presents the words of devotion to God through a series of poems originally written by Goswami Tulsidas, also known as Rambola. They have been recited through the ages by many great Saints, Spirits and the Lord Hanuman. The power of the name Ram is explained inside this book. Many people around the World know the story of a Blue-Colored Being who came to Earth multiple times to save humanity from the forces of evil. People call this being God or King of Ayodhya. The way love is expressed for the Lord can help humanity to understand the method of creating peace and love in the lives of human beings, as well as nature on Earth.