An individual that happens to be very bad at everything they do and are usually very short for their age. They don't have many friends and if they do their online. They have a short temper when getting roasted so most of the time resort to racism no matter the race of their attacker. If you ever see a Pablo, Don't go near them or they may bite you.
Jmangameing333: "Hey Pablo you wanna go skating later?"
pablogames26: "No, Skating is for losers. Just get on Roblox with me."
Jmangameing333: "Why is it because you're not good at skating?"
pablogames26: "No you dirty cotton picker, Go make me a shirt before I beat you. Nigger."
pablogames26: "No, Skating is for losers. Just get on Roblox with me."
Jmangameing333: "Why is it because you're not good at skating?"
pablogames26: "No you dirty cotton picker, Go make me a shirt before I beat you. Nigger."