An incorrect pronunciation for 'spaghetti'. Commonly confused with Psketti and spaghetitty
I sure do love a fresh can of pagoot
a pagooter is one who enjoys pagooting or engaging in pagooting like activies.. in dummy terms a pagooter is a lame ass
you should urban dictionary "pagooter"
you freaking pagooter, and not just any pagooter your a loser pagooter !
you should make pagooter a definition in urbandictionary
you freaking pagooter, and not just any pagooter your a loser pagooter !
you should make pagooter a definition in urbandictionary
The act of having faith in being a Pagooter.
I decided to switch my religion to Pagootism because it doesn't have an ancient parental figure saying do it and I'll fucking spank you!