A beautiful hot girl who is very attractive,and has a big butt. She is smart, and if you get on her bad side,her and her friends will mess you up.
Other definitions: a girl who likes to inside her own bubble.
Other definitions: a girl who likes to inside her own bubble.
Pahola is beautiful.
Pahola is very talented and shes short bo taller than 5'1 😂 lol. She loves Zombies and Horror movies. Also last long in relationships up to a year
Pahola is an amazing person to be around.
A awesome talented person who likes pie lol hii,pahola message me in kik if u read this ;)
Pahola is my guitar friend
A awesome talented person who likes pie lol hii,pahola message me in kik if u read this ;)
Pahola is my guitar friend
Pahola is a awesome young girl who is vary talented and is great to have in your life she is awesome and loves to eat pie
Pahola is my great friend who loves vampires
She is a talented girl who is beautiful, is very chill, has a butt,and if you get on her bad side her and her backup will need you up. You could always depend on her for any favor.
Pahola is my bestfriend