

俚语 pain in the ass

Pain in The Ass

My nephew
Someone who annoys the shit out of you for no reason
My nephew is a pain in the ass

Pain In The Ass

Something really annoying that really pisses you off.
Wake up everyday at 6 a.m is a real pain in the ass

pain in the ass

A task, often bureaucratic, that is more difficult than it needs to be.
Now I need three forms of ID and a copy of my electric bill just to renew my driver's license? What a pain in the ass!

My headlight fuse burned out. Changing it was a real pain in the ass because I had to take apart half the dashboard to get to the fuse panel.

pain in the ass

Thing that bothers you very much, but it's hard or inappropriate to put them on the table to talk about because of the bother-maker's identity.
My boss always leaves no stone untured to make fun of me in order to cheer him up, so he is a real pain in the ass.

Pain in the Ass

The pubescent little shit I have to tolerate ever since she rushed her way out of out of my goddamn mother's womb.
Sister: *Snitches on me for no good reason*
Me: You better fifty fucking feet away from me, you pain in the ass.

pain in the ass

To have discomfort in the buttocks
"anal went wrong last night, it was a pain in the ass"

pain in the ass

See: girls
Sara used to be cute, then she became a real pain in the ass.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:56:53