

俚语 pakawa


The term "Pakawa" is derived from an internet blogger from a few years ago. Pakawa was constantly changing which blog he was writing for as well as changing his views on the world. Noted for his use of alcohol and psychedelics for "self medication" purposes, Pakawa was known to drink and use prior to posting leading to incredibly obnoxious and offensive posts. He was described as unstable and totally inappropriate by former viewers of his blogs. Pakawa is now only seen posting on random forums throughout the internet. The term Pakawa is now widely used to describe someone who has said something horrible and offensive after not really being provoked at all.
John: You know, just because you read about it online doesn't mean you can actually time travel using those pots and that battery...

Jane: FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR RELIGION, FUCK YOUR WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY, know what I read about online? God. Just because people on the internet say hes real doesn't mean he is, douche bag.

John: Calm down, you're acting like a Pakawa.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 17:04:42