

俚语 bag of rags

Bag of Rags

A group of women friends on their periods at the same time
Wow, my girlfriend and her friend are just a bag of rags this week.

bag and rag

Put a bag over an ugly persons head and then have sex with them.

This is usually done to someone who has a nice body but an ugly face.
Male 1: Kylie has a sexy body but her face is ugly. What do I do?

Male 2: You should bag and rag her

shanty bag of rags

Generally referring to someone who is excessively undesirable or trashy. Many liken the description to a street person or prostitute.
May also act as a verb "shanty bag of rags blowing in the wind".
So yeah, did you smell that girl with the tattoo?
Yeah, what a shanty bag of rags.

fag bag cum rag

a faggot that is used as a cum rag
damn shes a fag bag cum rag


A variation of the game, Marry/shag/cruise

you are given three people and have to choose which one you want to shag, bag (be naked in a bag with them for an hour) or rag (suck a rag that they have wiped their arse with.
SARAH: shag/bag/rag, Harry Potter, Rick Waller, and your mum

ABBEY: EWWWW. Gonna' have to shag Potter, bag waller, and rag my mum

RADISH: ewwwwwww u bagged Rick Waller

CHARLIE: ewww you ragged your mum! But congratz on Potter (Y)




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