

俚语 bag of smashed assholes

bag of smashed assholes

term used to describe an extreme hangover or other state of ill health.
" how was last night?"
" it was crazy, but i feel like a bag of smashed assholes today."

bag of smashed assholes

how one feels after a night of too much booze and dope, and too little sleep
"i woke up in a ditch, and i want to puke, i pretty much feel like a bag of smashed assholes"

bag of smashed assholes

a very ugly person can be described as the following
he looked like a bag of smashed assholes

A bag of smashed assholes

A person looks like a bag of smashed assholes
ie there really ugly
"man that girl looks like a bag of smashed assholes"

A bag of smashed assholes

Usually used as a simile, to connote something rank, foul and generally disgusting.
Combat Instructor to young Marines returning from the field, "You all smell like a bag of smashed assholes!"

A bag of smashed assholes

The epitome of discomfort, as if a boy's choir were caught in a prison orgy and the remains were conveniently portioned in bag form. Commonly used to describe the effects of a hangover.
That was one hell of a party last night, but this morning I feel like a bag of smashed assholes.

Bag of Smashed Assholes

Used to describe a very foul smell. Usually that emits from the gluteus maximus (buttocks). Equivalent to what a tipped over port-o-pottie smells like.
Damn, Paul just farted! That smells like a Bag of Smashed Assholes.




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